Nov 30, 2022
A discussion with Andy Davis about the book "Jumpstart Your Career in Data Centers" by yours...
Nov 22, 2022
In this episode, @Kirk Offel of @Overwatch Mission Critical outlines his work to bring more #veterans into the industry with a mission to stop suicides in the veteran community. We discuss veteran employment in the industry, transition programs (TAP), and other ways to bridge the talent gaps in the #datacenter...
Oct 6, 2022
10.6 Episode featuring @Mercy Manning of @Aligned discussing sustainability, sales, and her journey into the data center industry. In this candid episode, Mercy shares her passion for sustainability and how that works within her job in the data center industry. #womenintech #womenindatacenters #sustainability...
Sep 21, 2022
9.21 Episode featuring Jillian Bird @SaluteMissionCritical. Jillian is a military spouse and recruiter in the mission-critical space. Jillian discusses her role, juggling job, and kids, recruiting tips, and soft-skills to add to your resume. If you are a military spouse or returning from service, this podcast will...
Aug 16, 2022
Ex Submarine Commander, Tony Grayson, in Part 2 of his candid conversation about transitioning into the #datacenter industry from the #military. We discuss #veteran programs, #trades, #militaryspouses, and pointers for #HR and companies to help in the transition. If you are transitioning or thinking of coming to this...